From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”
Matthew 4:17
Turn From Darkness to the Light
Devotion based on Matthew 4:17
See series: Devotions
The darkness and evil in our world are overwhelming. Where does a person begin to make a positive difference? Should we start by protecting the unborn? Or maybe feed the poor? What about those who are lonely? How about victims of abuse? Or who is going to confront injustices at the institutional level? What should we be doing to bring light to a grim world?
When Jesus began his public ministry, he told us where to start. He said first repent, which means acknowledging and turning away from the darkness in our hearts. All that wickedness in the world is also in us. So any real change must begin with a change in our hearts.
Then he tells us that the kingdom of heaven is near. In Jesus, God’s good and gracious rule dwells among us. King Jesus governs his people with forgiveness and love. We know that because he laid down his life for us. And so, we now lay down our lives for others.
From this place of humble gratitude, we can now make a difference in our small corner of Christ’s kingdom. Maybe we take care of the sick or teach children. Perhaps we run for office or a business in service to our community. Whatever we do to make this world better, we must start by letting God’s light shine in us before we can illuminate others.
Jesus, you are the light of the world. Shine your light into the darkness and evil of my heart. Then help me to be your light in the world. Let me use the gifts and opportunities you have given me for your glory. Amen.