On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”
John 20:19
Trust and Peace
Devotion based on John 20:19
See series: Devotions
Fear rattles your heart. I don’t know the particular things that scare you. But fear has this unsettling ability to change our plans and keep us awake at night.
Jesus’ disciples were afraid. Their leader and close friend died. He was the one they hoped would be the long-promised Savior. Their hope died with him. Afraid, they wondered, “Are we next?” Fear rattled their hearts as they hid behind the locked door.
But they couldn’t hide from Jesus. He knew exactly where they were and how they were feeling. Suddenly, Jesus stood among them. Their friend, their Savior, their Lord—he was alive! Their reasons for fear melted like snow on a hot spring day.
Jesus said to them: “Peace be with you!” Jesus didn’t just wish peace for them. Jesus proclaimed and gave peace to his formerly fear-filled friends. Only he could give the kind of peace which quieted their souls and strengthened their faith. Because Jesus said, “Peace be with you,” it changed everything! His resurrection guaranteed his peace can be trusted.
Jesus now gives this peace to you. He wants you to know the kind of peace which quiets the soul and removes fear. No matter how the circumstances of your life may change, Jesus’ resurrection and the peace he gives does not change. When the peace of God enters our hearts, the storms of life are not removed, but the presence of the risen Christ removes our fear of them.
Jesus lives! Trust and enjoy his peace!
Jesus, thank you for showing so clearly and repeatedly that you rose from the grave. Increase my trust in you. Increase the peace that you can and do give to me. Amen.
This week’s devotion focus on John 20:19-31 as we take a closer look at “Resurrection Trust.”