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The Bread of Life – August 17, 2024

Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
John 6:35

The Bread of Life

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Daily Devotion – August 17, 2024

Devotion based on John 6:35

See series: Devotions

In our lives, there is a constant tension between the physical and the spiritual. Some say physical is for the body, and spiritual is for the soul. Others say that our physical natures are concerned with current matters, but our spiritual natures look to the future. Jesus’ encouragement was not to work for food that spoils but to work for food that endures to eternal life—spiritual things.

All of us, by nature, care more about physical things than spiritual things. In Jesus’ ministry, individuals came to him looking for help with physical concerns. Some of them wanted food or to be healed of different diseases. Others looked to Jesus to help their friends or family members. Jesus was happy to help.

The problem was that many individuals came to Jesus caring only for their physical needs. They wanted him to be a Savior who would make this world a better place. They didn’t even consider the world that was yet to come. They tried to fill their physical needs but didn’t consider their spiritual needs. We can do the same thing. If we think Jesus is only a God who will help us pay the rent or mortgage, buy groceries, and maybe get the car we want, we don’t understand his true purpose for coming to the world.

Jesus’ mission was a spiritual one. By coming to this world as true God and true man, Jesus began his work as our Savior. He lived a perfect life and gave his life to pay for our sins. He rose from the dead as proof that God has forgiven us. Now, he offers us every spiritual gift we need and forgiveness for the times we have done wrong. He offers God’s love even when we don’t deserve it.

God has made you both a physical and spiritual being. Remember that Jesus is truly the “Bread of Life” who takes care of every need that you have.

Jesus, Bread of Life, I praise you for answering all my spiritual needs. Keep me from worrying about the physical needs that I have in life, confident that according to your good will for me, you will answer them, too. Amen.

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