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A Heart Transformed – September 3, 2024

Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.
Romans 10:4

A Heart Transformed

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Daily Devotion – September 3, 2024

Devotion based on Romans 10:4

See series: Devotions

We all set goals in life. We might set goals in stages to make them more realistic. We want to transform our health and habits. We want to grow in our abilities. Yet, we struggle to meet the goals that we set for ourselves. How much more have we struggled to meet the goals God has set?

The goal of God’s law is summed up in this way: Love the Lord and love your neighbor. God’s law set the bar as high as it can go—perfection! Be perfect and follow God’s law of love perfectly. God sets the goal he wants us to aim for, but we’ve missed the mark. God’s goal is for us to live righteous and perfect lives, free from sin, but we haven’t. That’s the law.

Here’s the gospel, the good news: Jesus Christ has met God’s righteous goal as our Savior and substitute! Jesus met the goal that we never could. Jesus hit the mark that we’ve so often missed. Jesus loved the Lord with all his heart. As true God and also true man, he placed himself under his own law and did what his Father asked him to do—to keep the law perfectly and then to die for us who haven’t perfectly kept it. In this, Jesus met the goal of the law and loved God and us. Perfectly.

This good news transforms our hearts. In Jesus, we are finally declared righteous (right with God). It’s as though we’d never sinned because Jesus kept the law and died in our place. Our hearts are transformed, so we no longer have to hide from God in fear. Instead, we can run to him in confidence, knowing that he loves and accepts us through faith in his Son.

We follow Jesus not because he’s like some life coach who helps us set more realistic goals and achieve them. He doesn’t simply show us the way. We follow him because he is the way, the truth, and the life. We follow him with a heart transformed by his love.

Lord, continue to transform my heart with your gospel so that I may follow you eagerly from the heart. Amen.

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