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Don’t Let Go! – September 7, 2024

[Jesus replied] “You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the human traditions.”
Mark 7:8

Don’t Let Go!

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Daily Devotion – September 7, 2024

Devotion based on Mark 7:8

See series: Devotions

“Don’t let go of the ‘Matchless Mine.” These were Horace Tabor’s dying words to his wife. Unfortunately, she took those words to heart and died a penniless recluse.

“Don’t let go of the traditions of the past.” These were the teachings of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law in Jesus’ day. For those who put their trust in those traditions, they lost the comfort of God’s Word and the promise of the Savior.

“Don’t let go of the commands of God.” These are the words of a loving Savior. Jesus wants me to know and understand the blessing of following those commands, as well as the danger of letting go of them.

“Don’t let go.” It is an exhortation we need to hear regularly. There are many competing messages in the world which vie for our attention. “Follow your heart.” “Trust your instincts.” “Rely on your understanding.” All are appealing. All sound reasonable. All are deceptions of the devil and lead to death.

“Don’t let go.” In the commands of God we have the true guide for life. And Jesus reminds us, “his commands are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3). We are led by Jesus and his great love for us to follow God’s commands. For in his faithfulness as our Savior, Jesus fulfilled every requirement God set before us. And in his great love, Jesus went to the cross to suffer the punishment that we deserved for failing to live up to God’s holy will expressed in his commands. The salvation that Jesus accomplished is our comforting assurance that, nothing will ever separate us from the love of God.

“Don’t let go.” This is Jesus’ desire for our lives. Even though there are many appealing paths and philosophies we could follow, nothing will ever offer the certainty or the peace of following by faith in Jesus what God commands. So, don’t let go!

O gracious Lord, your Word gives life, and it is my life. Keep me faithful to studying your Word and following your commands. In the end, keep me from letting go of those truths you have brought into my life. Amen.

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