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Jesus’ Personal Touch – September 10, 2024

After he took him aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then he spit and touched the man’s tongue. He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!” (which means “Be opened!”). At this, the man’s ears were opened, his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly.
Mark 7:33-35

Jesus’ Personal Touch

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Daily Devotion – September 10, 2024

Devotion based on Mark 7:33-35

See series: Devotions

We don’t know if the deaf man brought before Jesus knew who Jesus was, but Jesus knew him. And Jesus knew exactly what that man needed. The first miracle Jesus performed was getting the deaf man away from the crowd. Then, very lovingly and gently, Jesus showed the man what he would do for him. He touched the man’s deaf ears and mute tongue. And then he looked up and sighed. How many times had that deaf and mute man done the same thing out of frustration from not being able to communicate? Jesus showed his love, compassion, and understanding.

With one word, “Ephphatha!” Jesus opened the man’s ears to hear and loosened his tongue to speak. Jesus gave the man not just hearing and speaking but vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. His opened ears meant he could hear the call to repentance and the voice of Jesus teaching about the kingdom of God and the forgiveness of sins. Jesus’ miracle didn’t just change this man’s life, but his eternity. Jesus took the time to meet his individual needs.

Jesus knows exactly what you are feeling and going through, too. He knows your needs and desires. He knows your pain and weaknesses. He sighs with you. And Jesus comes to you the same way he came to that deaf man, through his Word.

The powerful word Jesus used to heal this man is the same powerful Word in the Bible. Through this Word, Jesus opens spiritually deaf ears to hear life-giving forgiveness of sins. Through this Word, Jesus resurrects spiritually dead hearts to a new life of faith and brings comfort and peace.

Dear Jesus, thank you for coming to me in your Word. Amen.

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