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Wash Your Hands- October 5, 2024

Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
James 4:8

Wash Your Hands

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Daily Devotion – October 5, 2024

Devotion based on James 4:8

See series: Devotions

A hospital in our area has a special unit for premature babies. Before you enter this unit, there is a washing station. Above the washing station, there is a sign for everyone to see. The sign says: “If you could see the germs, you’d wash your hands.”

That sign says a great deal in just a few words. It declares that if you and I could only see the masses of dangerous germs crawling over our hands, we’d recognize what deadly business these germs can be and do what’s necessary to wash them away.

Sin can be like that. Our noses can get so used to the stench of our sinful habits that we can’t even smell them anymore. Our ears can get so used to the ungodly screech of our sinful thoughts that we can’t even hear them anymore. And our eyes can grow so accustomed to the bacterium of sin crawling over us and through us that we can’t even see it anymore.

“Wash your hands, you sinners,” James tells us. But how? And with what?

When it comes to your sin and mine, the answer is not some antiseptic that squirts out of a hospital dispenser. The answer is blood, the blood of the Son of God.

Jesus saw our filthy, sinful hands. He knew we were helpless to wash them clean. And, so, he did what we needed him to do. He sacrificed himself; he shed his blood to wash away our sins. His blood cleanses us. It makes your life and mine fresh and forgiven, clean and new.

So, let’s wash our hands every day. Wash them in the cleansing blood of our Savior, for “the blood of Jesus, God’s Son, purifies us of all sin” (1 John 1:7).

Lord Jesus, it is your blood that washes me clean. Move me by your Spirit to come to you every day. Amen.

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