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Rescuer – November 28, 2024

Snatch others from the fire and save them.
Jude 1:23


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Daily Devotion – November 28, 2024

Devotion based on Jude 1:23

See series: Devotions

Many television historians consider a series from the 1970s one of the most influential series ever made. The name of the series was, Emergency!

The series follows two Los Angeles firefighters who are part of a new, cutting-edge program. They have received special training in how to administer life-saving medical treatment at the scene before an ambulance even takes the patient to the hospital. The name of these new, specially trained firefighters? Paramedics.

The impact of the show was massive. Not only was it a ratings success; but it also caused fire departments and hospitals across the country to develop their own paramedics program.

And the show, Emergency!, did one more thing. Generations of firefighters have said they became firefighters because they watched this show that rescued people from fire and saved their lives.

To rescue individuals from a fire and saving them from certain death. Few scenes are more compelling or riveting than that.

The Bible uses this picture to communicate to us the urgency of sharing the truth of Jesus.

So serious is our sin, and poisonous is its evil that it separates us from God and his goodness. And when separated from God, there is just one alternative: The outer darkness of eternal death–the fires of hell.

Snatch others from the fire, the Bible says. The only rescue from this fire is the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. It’s why Jesus came and took the incomprehensible step of becoming a human being. All this he did so he could remove the toxic poison of our sin at the cross. All this he did so he could blanket us with the holiness of the perfect life he lived on our behalf.

He alone spares us from the fire. He alone brings us into the forgiveness, security, peace and joy of God’s presence. And when we share him with others, his Spirit is at work to do the same for them.

Lord Jesus, through your gospel you have made me a rescuer. Move me to remember this. Amen.

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