[Jesus said] “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.”
Luke 12:21
A Rich Life
Devotion based on Luke 12:21
See series: Devotions
John was surprised. He was talking to his close friend Bob. The conversation revolved around finances and retirement. Bob said, “I have no worries. I am a wealthy man.” This caught John completely off guard. They worked together. Their families were close. They were next-door neighbors. The last thing John would have imagined was that Bob was wealthy.
But Bob wasn’t referring to worldly wealth. He was referring to spiritual wealth. Bob knew what Jesus had done to save him and his loved ones from their sins. Bob knew that Jesus had risen from the dead and promised to give eternal life to all of his followers. And Bob knew that this same Jesus promised always to provide for him. So when Bob looked ahead to his retirement, he had nothing to worry about.
True wealth and a truly rich life can only come from God. He is the source of everything we have and enjoy. He demonstrated his undeserved love and forgiveness in Jesus. He assures us that nothing we truly need is ever lacking. A truly rich life is ours when we rely on God’s compassionate care along with his abundant blessing.
What a mistake we make when we selfishly live our lives for ourselves and leave God out of the picture. We rob ourselves of our most important relationship and alienate ourselves from the very one who can satisfy the longing in our souls. If we live our lives only for ourselves we will spend the next life by ourselves, separated from our loving God forever.
Thankfully, that does not need to be the case. Thankfully, through Jesus, our loving God has provided forgiveness even for those times we live for ourselves and leave him out of the picture. Because of the forgiveness Jesus won for us, God promises that we will spend our eternity in his loving presence. Knowing this means having a rich life now and into eternity.
Thank you, Lord, for providing for my every need. Fill me with gratitude and thanksgiving for making my life rich through your grace and blessing. Amen