Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.
1 Timothy 1:15
Jesus Came to Save Sinners
Devotion based on 1 Timothy 1:15
See series: Devotions
Media outlets often report the sins that people have committed against one another and the latest ways that sin has ravaged our world. How can people do such things to one another? And how can God put up with it and not destroy our wicked world?
But here is an amazing truth that God wants us to know: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”
To fully understand what it means that Christ Jesus came to save sinners, take off a week of work, and go and sit in a police station or courthouse. You’ll see the evening news close up and personal. But Christ Jesus came to save sinners. Christ Jesus came to save every one of those people whose heinous crimes land them in prison—every one of them.
Or maybe try this. Instead of watching the news go out and buy a big mirror. Prop it up in front of your TV. Then, every time you watch TV or even walk by the TV, you will see a sinner whom Christ Jesus came to save.
You see, God doesn’t give us his law to show us all of the bad people around us. He wants his commands to make us realize how much we have disobeyed him in our attitude and actions. Even that pride that makes us look down on others is a sin that is worthy of God’s judgment.
When God’s law has done its work, God’s love is so much more amazing. I’m a sinner, but because of Jesus, God considers me a saint. I’m a slave to sin, but God sets me free. I’m worthy of death, but God gives me life.
God’s forgiving love has no limits. No matter how great my guilt, Jesus came to save me. Neither my past nor my present is beyond the reach of his mercy. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—to save me. What unimaginable love!
Jesus, I’m a sinner. I’m no better than anyone else. But you came to save me—even me! Accept my humble praise now and always. Amen.