God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law.
Galatians 4:4,5
Jesus Did Your Job
Devotion based on Galatians 4:4,5
See series: Devotions
It’s nice to have a job that gives you some holiday time off between Christmas and New Year’s. It’s just pleasant not to have to get up at a certain time in the morning, get yourself to work, and follow someone else’s routine. And isn’t it especially nice when a co-worker volunteers to take a shift for you to give you a little time off?
As you celebrated the birth of Jesus last week, did you think about why he came to earth? He didn’t have to do it. He had enjoyed existence from eternity without a human body, but he chose to humble himself and take a human body anyway, arriving not as an adult, but as an infant.
Just as amazingly, he chose to put himself under the law. That means that he had to be perfect in every way—every thought, every word, every action. Just one slip-up, and he would not be able to serve as our Savior.
But he is called Jesus, which means “Savior,” because he did it. He kept the law perfectly, refraining as a true human being from doing or even thinking anything wrong. Then, instead of taking the reward of heaven that he deserved for living that perfect life, he took the punishment of hell that you deserved for living an imperfect life and declared that his perfect life would be your ticket to heaven.
Through faith in Jesus, you have that perfect life credited to your spiritual account. You are redeemed from hell and death, and you are promised forgiveness of your sins and eternal life.
Someone else has done your job, and he wants you to get credit for it. Join other Christians and thank him. Stop worrying, take a deep breath, and get some rest.
Lord God, thank you for sending your Son to become a human being and live under the law in my place. I will rest my soul in him. Amen.