Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
John 4:13,14
Refreshment for Your Soul
Devotion based on John 4:13,14
See series: Devotions
Did you know there is a condition you can have that makes it impossible not to be thirsty? It’s called polydipsia. If you have polydipsia, you will feel thirsty most or all of the time, and will not be able to quench your thirst, no matter how much you drink. Polydipsia affects roughly 10 million Americans.
The spiritual form of polydipsia affects many more. “Polydipsia of the soul” isn’t a real medical diagnosis. Yet many individuals in the world feel less than satisfied in their souls. They feel unfulfilled, disgruntled, angry, unhappy, or guilty—believing that something or someone needs to change for them to feel satisfied again.
Jesus met a woman like this one day by a well of water, and he made her a remarkable promise. “Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.” But Jesus wasn’t talking about physical water. He was talking about spiritual water. He wanted her to see the significant man standing right in front of her. He wanted her to see the Savior who refreshes guilty souls with the assurance of forgiveness, the God who refreshes tired hearts with the joy of knowing they have a Father in heaven who loves them, and the Friend who refreshes weary souls with the truth that heaven has already been won for them on the cross.
Come to Jesus. Satisfy your soul on his everlasting love and his gracious promises. Come, and you will find refreshment for your soul.
Father in heaven, satisfy our broken souls with all that you graciously give us through our Lord Jesus. Amen.