“But what about you?” [Jesus] asked, “Who do you say I am?”
Matthew 16:15
Put Your Faith in Jesus
Devotion based on Matthew 16:15
See series: Devotions
There is no shortage of opinions on who Jesus is. Throughout history, there has been a wide range of opinions about him. But how about you? “Who do you say Jesus is?”
Before you answer the question, realize the answer is more than just words. What we say about Jesus affects the way we live our lives. If we believe the Bible when it says that Jesus is the one and only Savior of the world, then that changes everything. Let me put that another way. If Jesus is everything to us, why is it so hard for us to be in his house for worship on a regular basis? If Jesus is our greatest treasure, why do we go entire days without reading his Word or praying to him? If Jesus is the light of our world, why do we not invite everyone we know to come and see him so they can know him too?
Sadly, our lives do not often match our confession of who Jesus is. This is precisely why we need him so much. We need him to wash our sins away. We need him to love and save us and make us right before God. We need him to be who he says he is. Jesus said: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.” Jesus is the answer to sin and death. He is the one who has come to live and die in our place to make sure that we could be saved and live with him forever.
Who do you say Jesus is? Your answer to that question has eternal implications. Jesus is your salvation. He is everything you need. Put your faith in him.
Dear Jesus, help me to never forget who you are. You are my Savior, my all. Lead me to love you and serve you always. Amen.