Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you…
“The days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.…
“This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,” declares the LORD. “I will put my law in their…
There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely…
“The days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.”…
No one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin.…
[J]oin with me in suffering for the gospel. 2 Timothy 1:8 Suffering for the Gospel Daily Devotion – November 2, 2019 Devotion based on 2…
What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 1:13 Teach Believe Love…
Do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by…
[Jesus said] “If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them. Even if they sin against you seven…