While he was speaking, a cloud appeared and enveloped them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.”
Luke 9:34-35
Chosen by God
Devotion based on Luke 9:34-35
See series: Devotions
“I think God will let me into heaven.” This was Tom’s response to his friend John’s question. He assured John that while he was not perfect, God would certainly choose him before others who were worse than him. John responded to his friend’s false sense of security, “I really don’t think God would agree with you.”
The difference between Tom and John was that Tom looked to what he had done to merit God’s choice, whereas John looked to Jesus and what he did to make him worthy.
As I look at myself, how would I answer the question, “Why should God choose to let me into heaven?” Would I review my good works to convince the Lord that I am worthy of his choice? Would I remind God how much better I am compared to other people? Or, would I plead that God should overlook my shortcomings and faults? If I try to rely on what I do to merit God’s choice, I will be disappointed, because there is no way I can convince God to choose me based on the record of what I’ve done.
There is only one hope for me, as well as for every sinner. In a bold and gracious proclamation, God the Father revealed where that hope is found. His words comfort my aching heart and bring peace to my desperate soul: “This is my Son, whom I have chosen.”
With these words the Lord turns the focus away from me and places it on his Son. Jesus is not only God’s Son from all eternity, he is also the one chosen by the Father to secure forgiveness and peace for all. When I put my confidence in Jesus and the precious work he accomplished, the results are staggering. No longer am I God’s enemy. No longer am I rejected because of my failures or inadequacies. No longer am I doomed to be separated from him for eternity. In Jesus, God has washed away my sin and made me acceptable in his sight.
So, why should God choose to let me into heaven? There is only one sure answer, and that is Jesus Christ. Through him alone I stand chosen and worthy of life in heaven.
O blessed God and Lord, there is nothing I could do to stand worthy or acceptable in your sight. Through Jesus and his precious work, you have cleansed me and chosen me to receive life in heaven. Amen.