He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”
Revelation 22:20
Jesus is Coming Soon
Devotion based on Revelation 22:20
See series: Devotions
“Did he forget?” I had this thought a few times as a child as I waited for my dad to pick me up from school. Most days dad was there when school got out and although I had to wait for his turn to pull up to the curb, I was sure I was getting picked up. However, on rare occasions dad wasn’t there right away. I watched as the number of kids standing at the curb dwindled. I wondered what could have happened. Had my father forgotten and would he ever show up?
Fortunately, without fail, he always showed up, usually just a few minutes after all the other parents had picked up their children, I would crawl into the backseat of his car and with exasperation ask, “What were you doing?” My dad would always respond, “Coming to get you.”
It has been just shy of two thousand years since Jesus said, “I am coming soon.” It is easy to wonder if Jesus has forgotten his promise and to ask what is taking him so long.
But, much like time is different to an anxious child than to an adult, time is different for us than it is for God. The Bible tells us that, for God, a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. The God who lives without beginning or end has a longer and better view of time than we do.
We also know that when God makes a promise, he keeps it. He does not forget. He does not change his mind.
So, we can know for certain that Jesus will come soon. He promised it. He will come soon to take us from this life to our eternal home and the life we were meant to live. Even now we know at this very hour, he is coming to take us to be with him.
Help me to wait patiently on your good timing, and give me the sure confidence that you will return soon. Amen.