God our Savior . . . wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth . . . Christ Jesus . . . gave himself as a ransom for all people.
1 Timothy 2:3-6
Devotion based on 1 Timothy 2:3-6
See series: Devotions
He was an army captain, flew a helicopter, and was offered a teaching position at West Point. But he loved songwriting. So, he left the army and moved to Nashville. He showed people his songs, but no one seemed interested. Meanwhile, he worked as a janitor at a recording studio. One night at the studio he opened a letter from his mother. It was a bombshell. She was disowning him. She was ashamed of him, she said. She told him not to come home anymore because his presence would humiliate her in front of her friends.
News of this reached a singer who was recording in the studio that day. Years earlier, the singer had had a similar experience. In his childhood, his older brother had died. One night, in a drunken stupor, his father had told him, “I wish you had died in that accident instead of your brother.” The singer and the janitor were different people. But they had things in common and it created a bond between them. The singer, Johnny Cash, went on to sing songs written by the janitor whose name was Kris Kristofferson. Thanks to Johnny Cash he went on to become one of the greatest songwriters in country music history. And it all started with a common bond.
As you go about your day look at those around you. There’s the girl at your convenience store. There’s the mechanic you’ve trusted for years. There’s the aid at the nursing home. There’s the neighbor who always waves but whose name you don’t know. All different people. But you share a bond with them. All of you know the brokenness of sin. All of you need a Savior. All of you need the forgiveness Jesus has purchased for you. And so pray for an opportunity to get just a little better acquainted. When God gives you a moment with one of these souls, take it. As you get to know that person better, look for an opportunity to tell them about the Savior you share. Because, as St. Paul wrote, God wants all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth.
My Savior, everyone around me needs you as badly as I do. Give me the courage and conviction to tell them about you. Amen.