[Jesus said] “Keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”
Matthew 24:42-44
Live Securely
Devotion based on Matthew 24:42-44
See series: Devotions
In my childhood home, we had locks on the doors, bars on windows, a night watchman, two guard dogs, and a six-foot fence around our property. Even with all that security, thieves snuck in during the middle of the night, broke the kitchen window, and grabbed whatever was in the sink.
With the security we had then we were not able to prevent the break-in. Perhaps now, with the advances in security systems, we could. However, Jesus says that there’s one break-in that no security will ever prevent: his return.
Should that scare you? Not if you stay alert. Not if you keep watching for his return. When you wake up, when you lie down, when you go about your daily life, keep your eyes on Jesus. He came once when no one was watching to live, die, and rise again. He came to fulfill God’s law for you. He died to pay the price for your guilt. He rose again because he had fully paid for your sins.
Let his love for you cause you to repent and return to the Lord because no one knows when he will come again. It could be at any moment. So, keep watch for his coming. This doesn’t mean that you should stop living your life here and now. It does mean that whether our hands are busy with work or play, our hearts are yearning for heaven.
Thieves don’t make appointments. Neither does Jesus. He came once in grace to save. He’s coming again in glory to judge. So, keep watch, keep in the Word, and keep working while it is day.
Lord Jesus, I am eager for your arrival. Keep me aware for your coming. Amen.