For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her vindication shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. The nations will see your vindication, and all kings your glory; you will be called by a new name that the mouth of the LORD will bestow.
Isaiah 62:1-2
We Cannot Keep Quiet
Devotion based on Isaiah 62:1-2
See series: Devotions
Have you ever had such important news that you couldn’t keep quiet about it? How much twittering and chatting and posting happen when a favorite team wins a championship?
When anything political happens the talking heads hardly stop to take a breath. When your 6-year-old gets a new Lego set you can be sure everyone will know about it. Presents, football games, politics… in the grand scheme of things, they matter so little, yet they garner so much of our time and excitement.
The prophet Isaiah had the same truly incredible news. News that was so good he could not keep silent. The news was not political but spiritual. The news was that God would make his people glorious.
What makes this news so amazing is that we, by nature, are anything but glorious. Our sins make us filthy in God’s sight. The rude words we speak, the selfish things we do, the silent lust and greed in our hearts should all rightly merit God’s wrath and eternal punishment. Yet instead of eternal separation, it’s a different “S” word for those who put their faith and hope in Jesus: SALVATION!
God gives us the gift of salvation. That means he takes away our sins and gives us Jesus’ righteousness as our own. We are glorious, not because of our own glory, but because Jesus’ glory makes us glorious.
Isn’t that great news? It’s better than any championship, political turn of events, or Lego set. Like the prophet Isaiah, we cannot keep quiet about it. We want everyone to know what Jesus has done for them. Whom can you tell today?
Lord God, thank you for the incredible gift of salvation. Help me to treasure this gift each day and open my mouth so that I too may share the good news which you have for all people. Amen.