[Jesus said] “Do not let your hearts be troubled. . . . Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these.”
John 14:1,12
Heroes For Jesus
Devotion based on John 14:1,12
See series: Devotions
There is a good reason why Marvel Studios is worth nearly five billion dollars. Everyone loves a hero. But superheroes are in short supply. So, we call anyone a hero who goes above and beyond to protect and serve us. And we should. We should be thankful for our everyday heroes. They continue to work tirelessly to take care of us during this crisis.
But what about the rest of us? Those of us who cannot go to work? Those of us who have lost jobs? What’s our place and purpose? As nice as staying at home sounds, it just does not seem very heroic.
If ever there was a hero, it was Jesus. He worked tirelessly to take care of others—feeding the hungry, healing the sick. But he did more than relieve the temporary troubles of people. He went above and beyond when he went to the cross. His death and resurrection supply the entire world with eternal protection from all of sin’s terrible consequences. He gives forgiveness, life, and eternal salvation to all who trust in him.
And he does more. He also gives your life purpose. You are essential. By his powerful Word, you can do great things. You can feed souls hungering for hope. You can forgive sinners hurting from guilt. You can comfort souls scared of death. Even during this crisis, you can do all these heroic things from your own home. Whether you are doing these things for those living with you, or for those you reach out to online or on the phone. What a privilege it is to be a hero!
Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me a place in your family and a purpose for life. Amen.