Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you!”
John 20:21
Unfailing Peace
Devotion based on John 20:21
See series: Devotions
“Peace be with you!” What comforting words those must have been for the tortured and guilt-ridden disciples. They had forsaken Jesus at his crucifixion. They were meeting secretly behind locked doors for fear of the Jews. The women had told them they saw Jesus and that he was alive. Yet they did not believe. Their confusion and doubt robbed them of peace.
And then Jesus miraculously appeared to them! He showed them his wounds. He revealed that he had conquered death and was alive to tell about it. And one word summed it all up: peace.
Jesus’ peace is not just a neighborly greeting. It is the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. It is the pronouncement that God’s just anger over sin is appeased by Jesus’ holy blood.
Whoever holds the gift of God’s peace in Christ enjoys the greatest sense of well-being anyone could ever know. All is well between God and man. This condition of peace stands forever. Our feelings may fluctuate because we forget about God’s peace. But the Word and promises of God never do. “Peace be with you!” are words that never fail.
Jesus, your death gives me hope and joy knowing that my sins are forgiven. Draw me close to you in faith that I might always have your peace. Amen.