“This man was handed over to you by God’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross.”
Acts 2:23
An Important Job to Do
Devotion based on Acts 2:23
See series: Devotions
The world is full of different jobs. Each comes with different requirements and descriptions. When looking for a job, people will want to find one they are suited for and that they will enjoy doing. Some jobs require special skills or abilities to perform them properly.
Jesus’ Father gave him a unique job. He was sent to serve as the Savior of the world. Though innocent, he was condemned to death and crucified. But all this happened according to God’s purpose and foreknowledge. God used the horrible determination of wicked people for his own wonderful purpose—to save us from our sins.
This is good news for us because, as God’s creatures, we have a job of our own to do. We were created by our Father to glorify and honor him with godly living. However, we fail miserably at this job. Having failed, we deserve to suffer what God’s justice says our sins deserve. But, instead of giving us what our sins deserve, our merciful God saves us through the sufferings and death of his own Son on the cross.
We now have a new purpose in our lives. Our number-one job is to glorify and honor Jesus, who willingly died on the cross for us. We live to thank God, who gave us forgiveness and eternal hope.
God bless you in doing your job for him today!
Lord, help me today to do the job you have given me—to glorify and honor you. Amen.