“God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of it. . . . Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.”
Acts 2:32,36
Christ Lives to Reign
Devotion based on Acts 2:32,36
See series: Devotions
King Cyrus of Persia, King David of Judah, Caesar Augustus of Rome—these are three of the countless people who have ruled over the centuries. Some kings and kingdoms lasted for generations; some were short-lived. As different as they were from each other, they all had one thing in common—they did not last.
How uncertain life would be if all we had to lean on were these passing kings and kingdoms? Our immortal souls need something more. How eagerly, then, we listen to the words of the apostle Peter! He tells us of a far greater King. This King is the Lord Jesus Christ. Peter tells us of a far greater kingdom. Jesus’ kingdom will last for eternity.
It didn’t always seem this way, though. Jesus’ enemies plotted for years to kill Jesus. Finally, they carried out their plans and crucified him. Above his bloody head hung the inscription: “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews” (Matthew 27:37).
Yet Jesus was different. Years before he died, he said, “Destroy this temple [this body of mine], and I will raise it again in three days” (John 2:19). On Easter Sunday, he did just that. His disciples ran to an empty grave. He had risen. He was still King, and his kingdom was still intact.
Today let Peter’s words give you strength. Be assured of this: your King lives to reign. He the Lord of your heart. He is your eternal source of forgiveness and hope.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for reminding me today that you are my king and are ruling all things. Use this truth to comfort and calm me. Amen.