The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack.
2 Timothy 4:18
The Lord Will Rescue Me
Devotion based on 2 Timothy 4:18
See series: Devotions
The little girl stood at the edge of the dock, afraid to jump. From the water, Dad coaxed and coaxed with open arms, “Jump. I’ll catch you.” But her little legs only stiffened. “What if you can’t catch me, Daddy? Or what if you can’t swim with me in your arms? What if the fish bite me?” And that’s when Mom told the girl to look to her right. There, tied to the end of the pier, was a life preserver. “You see this? I’ll stay here, right here with my feet on this solid dock, and I’ll throw you this life preserver if you need it. And I’ll pull you in.” With that added confidence, the little girl jumped. And every time she got to the end of the pier the rest of the vacation, she glanced over her right shoulder to see that life preserver, knowing there was something that could save her, something that could pull her in.
Ever feel like that little girl? Ever feel like you’re about to jump into something that you’re not sure how you’re going to get out of? God doesn’t promise a life free from trouble. He doesn’t promise a life free from evil. The sharks of this world may be out to get us. But he promises to be there on the pier with the life-saving message of his Word. No matter how deep the trouble is, no matter how much we thrash around in the murky waters of evil, our Savior stands with his feet firmly planted, ready to pull you out.
What turbulent waters are you in right now? See the life preserver of the cross and the empty tomb. Cling to the promises that they hold for you. Cling to the promises of sins forgiven and life eternal. Those aren’t empty promises. The Lord will rescue you from every evil attack.
Lord, help me to live in such a way that always sees the promise of your deliverance. Amen.