Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God.
2 Peter 3:11,12
The Kind of People This World Needs
Devotion based on 2 Peter 3:11,12
See series: Devotions
A common criticism of Christianity is that the heavenly minded are of no earthly good. In other words, Christians can become so fixated on the next life that they do nothing to make this present world a better place.
While some Christians may live that way, they should not. That attitude is not in the Bible. In fact, today’s Bible passage says the exact opposite, that the end of the world and the Christian’s hope of heaven have a profound effect on how they live right now.
They push Christians to live a holy and godly life because they know that their life is not all about them. They know that God created them and sent his Son to save them. They know that Jesus put his perfect life in place of their imperfect sin so that, in his sight, they are holy and godly.
Now he says to Christians, “I have made you to be exactly what the world needs right now. Be what you are.” This means there are all sorts of things that they are meant to do, chief among them loving their God and their neighbors by doing good to those around them.
So, if you truly want to make this world a better place, if you seek to serve others in meaningful ways, if you hope to help them not only navigate this life but learn about the next life, then follow Jesus. Learn about him and trust in him. You will discover a joy and peace, unlike any other. And he will not only give you the gift of eternal life, but he will empower you to live a life of remarkable earthly good.
Lord Jesus, help me to live a holy and godly life so that I am both prepared for the day this world ends as well as prepared to be of use while this world still exists. Amen.