“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
Mark 1:15
Love Calls For a Change
Devotion based on Mark 1:15
See series: Devotions
The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem stands over the supposed place where Jesus was born. The main entrance is a low framed door. This four-foot-high door forces pilgrims to bow face-first while entering—as an outward sign of humility.
I didn’t get the memo. Because of my height, I bowed and stepped in backward. I didn’t make it through the Door of Humility. A security guard stopped me, forced me back outside, and instructed me to enter properly.
For hundreds of years, the Christian Church has observed a season of the year called Lent. Lent is like that door in the Church of the Nativity. It is meant to make us bow our heads in humility.
It is an important reminder. We have all sinned. None of us measure up to God’s approval. We cannot enter his kingdom with our heads held high. If we try, we will not remember how desperately we need Jesus. Though Jesus had no sin of his own, he was condemned and crucified for ours. His death sets us free from death, and his resurrection opens the way to God’s kingdom for all who trust in him.
That’s how much God loves us! And, having been so loved, we are changed. Instead of fear, there is faith. Instead of guilt, there is joy. Instead of judgment, there is forgiveness. Instead of hell, there is heaven. Instead of death, there is life. A life that delights to live to serve and please the Savior who so perfectly served us.
Heavenly Father, cleanse me, comfort me, change me with your abundant love! Amen.