Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity.
Hebrews 2:14
Our Flesh and Blood
Devotion based on Hebrews 2:14
See series: Devotions
“He, too, shared in their humanity”—the import of that statement may not fully strike you until you consider how completely unwilling we are to settle for anything less than we think we deserve. If we pay for second-row seats behind home plate, there’s no way we’re going to accept being ushered up to the twenty-fifth row of the upper deck terrace instead. If our team is robbed of a hard-earned victory by an official’s error, that loss will sting as we remember it for years to come. If we reserve the SUV with third-row seating as our rental car and the best they can offer us at the counter is roughly the size of a clown car, we are going to grumble and complain and grouse to anyone who will listen.
Do you want to know how awesome Jesus is? Look at how willing he was to settle for less than he deserved. Jesus deserved the best heaven could offer. He willingly traded it for a crust of bread as his dinner and a rock for his pillow, for the indignities of childhood and insecurities of young adulthood. Jesus shared in our humanity. Being born was necessary so that he could one day die and so he could live every day in between as our perfect substitute.
Ever since the Garden of Eden, the devil has been trying to make us think that he is our closest friend. He tries to convince us that what he wants us to do will make us happy, fulfilled, prosperous. “Stick with me,” he says, “I have your best interests in mind.”
But, of course, the devil doesn’t. Only Jesus does. Only Jesus was willing to share our humanity and do everything necessary to save us from our sins so that we can share eternity with him.
Lord Jesus, you are not only the powerful God, but my human brother, my flesh and blood. Thank you for all you sacrificed to come and be a sacrifice for me. Help me to live my life always willing to sacrifice for you in return. Amen.