[Jesus said] “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”
Revelation 22:13
Constants in Your Life
Devotion based on Revelation 22:13
See series: Devotions
Do you have any constants in your life? Is there anything in your life that is completely dependable and never lets you down? The reality is that our lives are in constant flux. Our jobs can change in a moment, even after many years of faithful service. Our significant other can just up and leave even after months or years of a relationship. Friends can betray us in real life or unfriend us on social media. A spouse or family member can let us down from time to time. Even the people who love us are not always there for us in the way we need them to be. Life in this world can often feel like we are adrift at sea, without anyone or anything that is truly and completely dependable.
That’s where Jesus is different. He says to you, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” With these comforting words, Jesus reminds us that he is eternal. He never changes. He has always been there for us and will always be there. His promises are dependable. Jesus does not change.
That sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Maybe you have even been aware that God is with you at times. But then there are times when everything goes from bad to worse, and you wonder if, in fact, God is real or if he’s even paying attention to you. Make no mistake: Jesus has never left you and never will. He is the Alpha and Omega. You can depend on him. And just to prove how faithful he is to you, he willingly died on that cross to make sure that sin could not separate you from him. Then, he kept his promise, and he rose from the dead to make sure that death could not separate you from him.
Do you have any constants in your life? You only need one. And his name is Jesus.
Dear Jesus, thank you for being the one constant in my life. Teach me to depend on you each day and to trust your promises. Never leave me, Lord. Amen.