[Jesus said] “Not a hair of your head will perish.”
Luke 21:18
Safe Passage
Devotion based on Luke 21:18
See series: Devotions
There is a consistent story found in the pages of the Bible: God’s people go through great difficulty, but they pass through unharmed. The details of the story change, but the end result is the same.
The people of Israel were being pursued by the mighty Egyptian chariots. They had nowhere to run until God opened up a path of dry ground through the Red Sea. The people passed through safely without suffering any loss.
Goliath was shouting death threats against the people of God. A giant warrior wanted them all dead until David knocked him down with just a slingshot and a stone. God’s people defeated Goliath and the Philistines that day without enduring even a scratch.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to comply with the King’s order to worship the god he had built. They were thrown into a fiery furnace for their faith but were completely unharmed. They didn’t even smell like smoke.
Luke chapter 21 is full of terrible things that are happening and will happen in the future. It is a chapter of horrific disasters, betrayal, and persecution without limit, and Jesus wants you to know that you will pass through it all unharmed.
Like the children of Israel walked through the Red Sea, like the people of God faced Goliath, like the three men thrown into the fiery furnace, God promises to bring you through the worst of this world.
Trust his promise. It is a promise from the one who fulfilled his promise to send a Savior to rescue us from our sins and fulfilled his promise to defeat death by rising from the grave. Trust his promise to bring you safely through this world to himself in heaven.
Mighty God, you have told me in advance that this world is passing away and will bring many hardships to me. Grant to me the sure confidence that I will arrive safely to your side in heaven. Amen.