“Look, I am coming soon!”
Revelation 22:7
Jesus is Coming Soon
Devotion based on Revelation 22:7
See series: Devotions
If you live in the United States, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, which means today isn’t just about brining the turkey or setting the table with the fine china, it’s also the highest volume day of the year for air travel. While it may be a day filled with frustrations in the airport, it is also a day when excitement fills the home. “Johnny’s coming home tonight!” “Little Susie’s going to be at Grandma’s in a few hours!” “I can’t wait!” How many thousands of people are going to be peering out the front door today, ready to run out and hug their loved ones when they pull into the driveway?
It’s that same anticipation that Jesus wants for his people, “Look, I am coming soon!” In other words, “I’m on my way.” Consider how exciting that must have been for the apostle John to hear! His friend, his teacher, his Savior was “coming soon!” But it’s also exciting for you! Your friend, your teacher, your Savior is coming soon! In some ways, it’s even more exciting for us—to this point, we’ve never seen Jesus face-to-face. But when he comes back, we will. Imagine what it will be like to shake Jesus’ nail-pierced hand for the first time! Or imagine what it will be like to hug Jesus, thanking him for all he’s done!
But it’s not just the sheer excitement of meeting Jesus that makes us peer out the front door of our lives. It’s also the relief that he brings. He’s not just coming to our home to help carve the turkey or rice the potatoes; he’s coming to our world to relieve us from all the things we see going on around us: the wars, the disasters, the persecution. And best of all, even though he already defeated sin on the cross, he’s coming to relieve us from all the effects of sin. He’ll relieve us forever as he takes us to his home. That will be something worth celebrating!
Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly! Amen.