He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.
John 1:11,12
The Gift
Devotion based on John 1:11,12
See series: Devotions
Picture this, it is Christmas morning, and the kids are up well before the sunrise. They wake up dad and mom and run downstairs to the tree. To their delight, the presents are wrapped and stacked up under the tree. They begin shaking the presents and figuring out which one is theirs. The air is filled with the sounds of laughter and excited giggles and Christmas music in the background. Finally, it is time to open presents, and one of the children stands up, gives a wave of his hand, and with a frown, says, “no thanks,” before walking away to find something else to do.
Yeah, right! That’s a pretty unrealistic story, isn’t it? Who doesn’t love opening gifts? Who doesn’t love receiving gifts from loved ones—gifts that are unearned and undeserved?
Actually, that’s what many people have done with the greatest gift ever given. Our Bible reading today reminds us that many did not receive Jesus and had no interest in the gift of a Savior. It’s still true. There are many in this world who have no interest in Jesus.
And even those who know Jesus as God’s greatest gift are sometimes not as interested in spending time with him as he deserves. We all have so much going on in our lives and are so busy. We have to work so many hours and have other obligations.
Let’s change that. Let’s spend more time with the One who always has time for us. Let’s receive and appreciate and cherish the gift. Let’s spend time with Jesus and his Word. Let’s talk to him more often and make time for him in our lives. Thank God today and every day for his gift of a Savior.
Dear God, what a wonderful gift you have given to me in Jesus! Help me never to always appreciate what he has done for me. Amen.