What I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve.
1 Corinthians 15:3-5
Of First Importance
Devotion based on 1 Corinthians 15:3-5
See series: Devotions
What is of first importance in your life? Is it your job? Or maybe your family? Is it your bank account because you are trying to save enough money to retire comfortably? Or could it be your smartphone? Is it your favorite sports team? Is it God?
We know God should be of first importance in life, but sadly we don’t always show God that he is of first importance. We often place too much importance on other things in this world.
Thankfully, the Lord did not follow suit. In sending Jesus to live and die in our place, God demonstrated that we are of first importance to him. In raising Jesus from the dead, God showed, once and for all, that our eternal salvation was his top priority. Because Jesus lived, died, and rose again, you and I are forgiven and trusting Jesus as our Savior; we, too, shall rise to live forever in heaven.
In our Bible reading for today, the apostle Paul reminds us that, for the Christian, there is nothing more important than the saving work of Jesus. Easter provides a wonderful opportunity to refocus and thank God for what is most important.
But let’s not just make God the most important thing in our lives on Easter Sunday. Moved and motivated by the love of Jesus, let’s demonstrate just how important our Lord is to us. Let’s give him the best of our time, talents, and treasures. Let his love for us reflect in our lives for the entire world to see!
Dear Lord, forgive me for the times when I short-change you in my life. Thank you for sending Jesus to live, die, and rise for me. Help me to reflect your love in all that I say and do. Fill me with Easter joy, every day! Amen.