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#Blessed – August 8, 2023

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 1:3


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Daily Devotion – August 8, 2023

Devotion based on Ephesians 1:3

See series: Devotions

A few years ago, #blessed was posted all over social media. Pictures of people standing in front of their new cars were labeled #blessed. New job, #blessed. That new videogame/outfit/toy finally went on sale, #blessed.

It all felt so phony to me. I rolled my eyes every time I scrolled past another #blessed picture. Had I finally become a curmudgeon? Why was I so annoyed at this hashtag? Isn’t it good that people are recognizing their blessings?

Then it occurred to me: none of those posts are about God. #Blessed had become a cultural bragging movement. Each picture and caption had the overtone of “I deserve this.” The #blessings were really about the recipient, not about the giver. And that goes contrary to the Bible.

In our Bible reading today, the apostle Paul uses the word “blessed” two times. The first time Paul is speaking of us blessing God. And that makes sense, doesn’t it? If God is the source and giver of all blessings, then it must mean that he lives surrounded by blessings 24/7! Blessing God has the believer recognizing God’s unsurpassed greatness that has been his since eternity.

The second time Paul uses the word “blessed,” he has God blessing us. And that makes sense too, doesn’t it? In his generosity, God doesn’t hoard blessings. Instead, he showers them on all people! But the highest blessings, his spiritual blessings, are reserved for God’s chosen people.

In view of all God’s spiritual blessings to his people, Paul begins his letter to the Ephesians with a long run-on hymn of praise—some two hundred words without punctuation. It’s almost like Paul is just bursting forth in an unorganized prayer of thanks to God for his rich blessings.

And you can do the same. Praise God who gave us the highest spiritual blessing, the forgiveness of our sins! From that great spiritual blessing, follow all other spiritual blessings that overflow our lives. Blessed be our God who has so #blessed us.

Father, thank you for all the blessings you have given me. Thank you, especially, for the gift of forgiveness in Jesus’ blood. Amen.

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