[Jesus said] “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Matthew 18:20
Gathered with Jesus
Devotion based on Matthew 18:20
See series: Devotions
A lot of harsh words are spoken in our world. Civil debate has given way to name-calling and accusations that seek to destroy people’s reputations. Harsh words often divide. But hard words spoken in love for a straying soul are meant to unite.
Jesus’ instructions in our Bible reading for today have the purpose of bringing back the brother or sister who has sinned. Our Savior’s intent, through the tough conversations we have with a straying soul is not to drive away but to reunite. His purpose is to break down the barrier of unbelief and bridge the divide sin has caused. His purpose is to reunite us with our brothers and sisters and to the love and peace of our Father in heaven.
And when you do speak hard words to a fellow Christian, remember you are not alone in this rescue mission. Your Savior is with you to give you the courage to speak the truth in love. Where two or three gather in Jesus’ name, he is giving power and authority to his words spoken through you. Jesus is not like a king who sends a messenger to a far-off land but remains in the comforts of his castle. He is with you in the midst of a tough or uncomfortable conversation. When his words of warning accomplish their purpose, there he is with you and in your voice as you proclaim nothing but forgiveness and healing to the one who turns away from sin and returns to the Lord. Our Savior not only gathers us together as a family, but he gathers with us and fills us with his love and peace.
Lord Jesus, gather us together with our brothers and sisters in Christ and with you and your gifts of grace. Amen.