“As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
John 13:34
Limitless Love
Devotion based on John 13:34
See series: Devotions
The thing about love is that it almost always has limits.
You might really love someone or something, but there is probably a limit to that love. You may love a certain food, but you will only pay so much for it. Perhaps you love a certain sports team, but after so many losing seasons you may just give up. Even in a marriage, one of the more infinite loves, we say our vows with, “Till death do us part.”
Even though almost every love we know has its bounds, we still crave truly limitless and unconditional love—a love without any end.
God filled our desire for limitless love by sending Jesus to win eternal life for us. God didn’t set a limit or an end to his love. With his limitless love Jesus came to live and die for us to take away our sins and to win for us a place before God forever. This love will never end.
In response to his love for us, God commands us to love one another as he has loved us.
How can we do that? We can do the kinds of things that will make sure even death will not limit our love. If you want to love your spouse, pray for and encourage their faith. If you want to love your children, make sure that they grow up in a place where their faith can be nurtured. If you want to love your neighbors, do the kinds of things that allow you to share with them the hope you have in Jesus. Helping those you love to be in the Word of Christ and to follow his commands is one of the greatest expressions of love, because it is the only thing that is truly limitless.
God loved you in the ultimate way by winning eternity for you. Go and love others by sharing that message with them.
Father, thank you for loving me so much that you sent Jesus. Help me to love with the limitless love you have shown to me. Amen.